The Snapdragon 865 Plus was announced a few weeks ago as an evolution of the 865 and is already on high-end phones like the recently announced ROG Phone 3. However, a new version of Snapdragon may be coming for those who are on a tighter budget due to the global crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic.
The leaker this time is the Digital Chat Station, which reports on the development of the Snapdragon 860 by Qualcomm. The processor should be a little less powerful than the 865 and 865 Plus, but it should still be powerful and economical as it must be manufactured by the 7nm process with support for the 5G connection.
As it is a relatively new processor, we still don’t have much information about it, but it should appear first on an Oppo device, according to sources.
This could be an interesting way for Qualcomm to keep its top-of-the-line processors on the scene, as the prices of its chips only increase, which fueled rumors about the Google Pixel 5 coming with an intermediate processor to reduce costs.
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Sources also indicate that the new Snapdragon 875G should also arrive with a more basic version, the pair should be presented in December with 5nm lithography, much more economical and energy-efficient, so Qualcomm can adopt a new standard of pairs for its high-end processors.
Source: gizmochina