The Galaxy A70 is the highest-capacity battery model introduced by Samsung for its Galaxy A line in 2019. It has 4,500 mAh to handle its huge 6.7-inch Super AMOLED screen and the Snapdragon 675 platform, which if followed what we saw in the models of the line Pixel 3a(that have the variant Snapdragon 670) offers a good relation between consumption and power.
We have already analyzed some models of the Galaxy A 2019 family, and it is time to see if the most powerful representative available for sale in Brazil (so far, since the Galaxy A80 has not yet hit stores) is a good option for who wants to spend a long time away from outlets.
If you’re new here, our battery test is to run several popular apps, games, and services in timed cycles all day, giving intervals between cycles to see also the average standby power consumption of the device. All of this is done in real time and published in live blogging format, allowing everyone to follow and take questions.
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The test will start at 7 o’clock this Wednesday, June 19, considering as always the Brasilia time. So if you are interested in the Galaxy A70 and have battery life an important point for you, it’s good to wake up early to keep up with us!