As the month progresses closer, Samsung shows that it has not forgotten its flagship lineup launched in 2015. In Europe, more precisely in the Netherlands, the Galaxy S6, S6 Edge, and S6 Edge Plus began receiving, on Tuesday, (22), the security patches for the month of August.
It’s important to note that the models in question, except for the larger-screen version, have come to the end of their two-year support period, so it’s good to see the release of these updates from Samsung. The update is being released via OTA (over-the-air) and brings the builds G920FXXU5EQH6 , G925FXXU5EQH6 and G928FXXS3CQH1 , respectively.
In all, they include 50 Google fixes for the Android operating system and 12 more from the manufacturer’s own software, in addition to traditional performance and stability improvements.
There is no forecast when US models, which still have the May patches, will receive the updates, but it is always interesting to check manually by opening the “Settings”> “About Device” and “Software Update” menu. Back up files and other system information and have the battery charged at least 50% before starting the installation.
And if you have not yet upgraded the smartphones cited for Android 7.0 Nougat, available since June, the procedure is the same. Unfortunately, the devices in question should not receive the long awaited update to the Oreo version 8.0 operating system, announced last Monday (21).
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