Los Rodríguez y el Más Beyond is an adventure game based on the homonymous animated film directed by the director Paco Arango. With a faithful representation of the characters and scenarios of the feature film, we will enter this world to live exciting challenges in which we will discover the powers of this peculiar family.
At the beginning of the game we will be introduced into history and We will quickly get into the plot of the film. In this way, little by little we will get to know each of the characters and we will put ourselves in the shoes of Nicolás and company to establish a relationship with the grandfather who resides on the planet Beyond.
The control system that incorporating each of the games is very simple and is adapted so that the smallest of the house can enjoy these adventures. We will only have to press on the screen in order to interact with the elements of the environment and solve each minigame. On the other hand, the majority of challenges are designed to test memory or visual skills.
With Los Rodríguez and Hereafter we will enter the world of this animated film to control the protagonists from our smartphone. Without a doubt, we are facing a good transmedia product that will please young and old.
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Los Rodríguez y el Más Allá Details
Here we will show you today How can you Download and Install Adventure Game Los Rodríguez y el Más Allá on PC running any OS including Windows and MAC variants, however, if you are interested in other apps, visit our site about Android Apps on PC and locate your favorite ones, without further ado, let us continue.
Los Rodríguez y el Más Allá on PC (Windows / MAC)
- Download and install Android Emulator for PC of your choice from the list we provided.
- Open the installed Emulator and open the Google Play Store in it.
- Now search for “Los Rodríguez y el Más Allá” using the Play Store.
- Install the game and open the app drawer or all apps in the emulator.
- Click Los Rodríguez y el Más Allá icon to open it, follow the on-screen instructions to play it.
- You can also download Los Rodríguez y el Más Allá APK and installs via APK in the BlueStacks Android emulator.
- You can also try other Emulators to install Los Rodríguez y el Más Allá for PC.
That’s All for the guide on Los Rodríguez y el Más Allá For PC (Windows & MAC), follow our Blog on social media for more Creative and juicy Apps and Games. For Android and iOS please follow the links below to Download the Apps on respective OS.
You may also be interested in: Tappy Stack For PC (Windows & MAC).
Los Rodríguez y el Más Allá for Android:
[appbox googleplay com.drakharstudio.losr]