Best smartphones between $ 1,000 and $ 1,500 | Cell Phone Guide [Aug / 2017]

The price range between $ 1,000 and $ 1,500 is filled with interesting models nowadays, is one of the most sought after niches, since with a little more money you are sometimes able to acquire an incredibly superior smartphone that would have been Purchasing an intermediate model. Seeking to help a little at the time of the decision, we continue our guide of purchases in this disputed sector.

 Best smartphones between $ 1,000 and $ 1,500 | Cell Phone Guide [Aug / 2017]

First of all, we must remember that the huge price variation seen in your retailers can cause some of the devices to slightly exceed the limit stipulated in this guide, so you have to wait until the value returns to normal or look for another compatible model With what you are willing to spend.

These Smart Phones include:

  1. Asus Zenfone Selfie This model can be found for something around $ 1,048.
  2. Quantum Fly This model can be found for something around $ 999.
  3. Alcatel Idol 4 This model can be found for something around $ 1,049.
  4. Asus Zenfone 3 (5.2 inches) This model can be found for something around $ 999.
  5. Motorola Moto G5 Plus This model can be found for something around $ 1,055.
  6. Samsung Galaxy A5 2017 This model can be found for something around $ 1,319.
  7. Sony Xperia XA Ultra This model is found for something around $ 1,319.
  8. Samsung Galaxy A9 This model can be found for something around $ 1,439.

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