Checkmate! App is the free app of the week from the iTunes App Store

Checkmate! Is an app fully developed to be used within the Messages app. This means that the app is only available for devices with iOS 10.2 or higher and it is only possible to play with users of Apple’s instant messaging service.

Checkmate! Is a game of chess and as such works in turns, making it perfect for playing through the commented messaging service.

Checkmate! App is the free app of the week from the iTunes App Store

Checkmate! (Checkmate) a complete chess game for the iOS Messages app

The operation of the app is simple. Once installed, you should start the app in a conversation with the person you want to play to launch the game.

To make movements you must touch the piece that you want to move and you will see that the boxes to which you can do the movement are shown of another color. At this point just touch the box to which you want to move your figure and finally touch on the send button for the other person to see your movement.

Upon receiving a move, you will see an animation with the play of your opponent and thus follow the game better . In addition, in case you have captured any of your pieces or you are in a situation of check you can also listen to different sound effects.


Download Check Mate! For iPhone and iPad Messages

The Chess Game Checkmate! For the iOS Messaging app is available in the App Store and you can download it by tapping on the following Link:

Download From Store

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