After easing the addition of contacts and introducing new features, Telegram released an update on Sunday (7) in its mobile version, with version 5.9 of the application. The update counts on the inclusion of Animated Stickers, with the purpose of bringing emotions with movements.
The proposal of the feature is to take the stickers in a more fun and high quality, without losing the characteristic of being light. The messenger created the new function through the TGS format and on an open platform. This way, all developers can leave their contributions.
Fluid experience with low consumption
In the changelog of the new update, the Telegram promises that the stickers with movements have a weight of only 20 to 30 kb. On the other hand, it explains that the user experience with the novelty will be smooth.
In practice, it means that people will be able to insert an animated image at 60 fps without taking up memory space and still with low battery consumption.
- Send high-quality and ultralight animated stickers to express emotions with movements.
- Get animated stickers instantly on any connection, just 20-30 KB per sticker.
- Enjoy smooth animations at 60 frames per second.
- Create new animated packages and send them to @stickers for everyone to use.
- Try animated stickers on the “Popular” tab in the stickers panel.
To introduce your users to the feature, the application has released an initial package of Animated Stickers. It will be available in the news chat of the application itself, once the update to version 5.9 is done. Simply include in the list of stickers the traditional way.
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The Telegram can now be updated with Animated Stickers on both Android and iOS. The download links are available on the card below the text.
[appbox googleplay org.telegram.messenger compact]
[appbox appstore id686449807 compact]