The saying went: nothing is created, everything Mark Zuckerberg copies. After the rise of Zoom in times of social isolation, many companies were somewhat envious of the success of the platform for virtual rooms and meetings. Facebook is one of those companies, which is already working on its own solution to compete in this market.
According to the analysis of the Messenger source code, the app should soon receive the Messenger Rooms function. Currently, it is even possible to make video calls with multiple users through the solution, but only if those are your friends. The future update will make much more flexible the way users can interact with audio and image.
For example, it will not be necessary for a participant to be part of your list of friends, or at least have an account on the social network: it will be possible to invite anyone through a shareable link. Thus, it will be much more practical to call the most diverse people to a discussion, class, or meeting room.
The tool will also allow users to switch between video, audio-only, and screen mirroring at any time. And the appeal of the service is that it should be free.
The news should appear in Messenger Beta in the coming days. It is worth remembering that Google also released a series of resources for quarantine workers during this period, as a way to help them and also to publicize their services.
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Would you trust Facebook to broadcast your classes, meetings, or video chats with your friends? Tell us in the comments!
Source: mspoweruser