After bringing a dark mode to the Play Store, Google began distributing the news in its app and Android Assistant. According to XDA, the first users to receive the feature more widely are residents of the United States and the United Kingdom.
Also, as in the case of the store, it seems that the news is being released first for devices that have already been upgraded to Android 10. Thus, the idea of the search giant is to create a unit in the system as it has a native dark mode.
Please note below that the Google app page now offers all your company-defined grayscale content in your material design guide.
It is noteworthy that the Google application was already testing this news in a closed beta. Now, with distribution to the general public, the search giant points out that dark mode is a good choice for those seeking visual comfort at the time of reading.
For now, the news is being activated through the server. Thus, the user does not need to download a new version of the app from the Play Store. It’s also worth remembering that Gmail and Google Photos have also started getting dark mode this week.
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Thus, it seems that soon the entire library of services of the company will be adapted for the news. If you want to check if the Google app has already been updated on your phone, just follow this path:
Open the Google app> general> theme> dark mode
Have you received the news? Tell us here in the comments.