IO21: Google points more than 3 billion active Android devices in the world

IO21Google’s vice president of product management, Sameer Samat, said today during the major I / O event 2021 that there are more than 3 billion active Android users in the world today. To get an idea of ​​the size of this number, at the moment the total number of people connected to the internet globally is 4.7 billion.

Along with this news, Gigante de Buscas introduced a series of news to the main services; bringing new projects to the game. Google I / O 2021 brought nothing less than the redesigned Android 12, a more protected Google Photos, and integration of Workspace with Meet.

In addition, a more useful Password Manager, Google Maps with more sustainable routes, a new easy search mode, and even a project that promises to revolutionize the understanding of the Artificial Intelligence language were announced. More news about the event can be found here.

Since the last developer conference in 2019, Google has gained over 500 million active Android users. The number is even more surprising compared to the year 2017: in all, there were 1 billion new devices using the company’s operating system.

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It is worth noting that the figures are taken from the Google Play Store, which does not take into account Android-based devices that use alternative stores, as is the case with several Chinese smartphone brands. This means that in practice, the number of active devices with Android is much greater than that announced by Samat.

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