Released on Friday by Capcom, the new Monster Hunter World trailer has brought many new features. Among the highlights of the video, you can see some new maps, several famous monsters of the returning franchise, excerpts from multiplayer gameplay and more. And it’s good to be prepared: if you’re an avid fan of the franchise, you’re going to shiver.
It’s interesting to see how the franchise will re-explore the aquatic environments. Unlike the underwater mechanics, it seems that the solution will be a middle ground, with marshy maps and locations where the player will be weakened by muds, greatly changing the dynamics of fighting more aquatic monsters (such as Plesioth, Which is no longer easy).
Among the highlights of the video below, you can expect a glimpse of the epic dragon of the turn, the return of some important figurines such as Plesioth, Diablos, Barroth and, as one could not miss for a next great title in the series, Cool The trailer is action-packed, showing all the weapons in action and some new skills. Check it:
It’s interesting to see how the franchise will re-explore the aquatic environments. Unlike the underwater mechanics, it seems that the solution will be a middle ground, with marshy maps and locations where the player will be weakened by muds, greatly changing the dynamics of fighting more aquatic monsters (such as Plesioth, Which is no longer easy).
Finally, the desert maps and a few others were finally confirmed, all with very well-done biomes (highlighting the scene that shows a map at night and with rain, something very interesting). In some sections, it is possible to see in practice the interconnected ecosystem that Capcom has been promising, like animals attacking by territorialism or hunting. All this is portrayed with the striking and exciting soundtrack that Monster Hunter has, leaving
Monster Hunter World has divided opinions in the ad, but increasingly has been showing that it will be a natural evolution for new generations, but without leaving the heart of the franchise. The game is scheduled to hit the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in early 2018; The PC will also have a version but will arrive later.
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