Trump x Huawei: White House name calls for postponement of ban on possible US damage

Believe me, not even the US government itself is so happy about Trump’s decision to put Huawei on the blacklist of US trade. After many rumors about the alleged espionage practiced by the Chinese, nothing has been proven, and with a canetada, the American president complicated the life of the manufacturer. But Russell T. Vough, … Read more

You did not like what you heard! Trump denies secretary over ban on Huawei

Despite a tentative deal from Huawei, which would be willing to sign an anti-espionage deal, President Donald Trump’s mood with the Chinese giant does not seem to have improved. That’s because the American commander even denied his Treasury Secretary about the reasons for the ban. US Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin said in an interview with CNBC that the … Read more