Amazing! Square Enix shows how Rise of the Tomb Raider will run on Xbox One X [video]

The Xbox One X really is the most powerful gaming platform in history and promises to be a watershed in the industry when it officially arrives to defend the Microsoft family of consoles from November 7. Taking advantage of the absurd hype that now revolves around the newest member of the green nation this past semester, Square Enix was present … Read more

How censorship and internet access works in China

Without Google, No facebook, The internet in China can be a lot worse than that. Doubt it? Well, know that you can be arrested for signing an Online petition! If you have been to the internet for some time then you already know that the internet in China is not a very nice thing. Not because of … Read more

Link between mobile and PC is already possible in Windows 10; See how to connect

In the 16251 build of the Windows 10 Insider Preview, Microsoft has released support for mobile phones to “talk” to computers that have the operating system installed. That is, the ability to sync your PC and mobile – whether with Android or iPhone ( iOS ). With the feature, the user can continue their activities on the computer from the point where they were doing on their … Read more