Crash N. Sane Trilogy on Xbox One: rumors that indicate the game in the console

Originally released on the first PlayStation at the height of the 1990s, the Crash Bandicoot trilogy marked a time for many people. On PS4, the games came remastered under the baptism of Crash Bandicoot N. Sane Trilogy, but without any seal guaranteeing exclusivity. Since then, rumors and theories about the presence of titles in Xbox One have been circulating the … Read more

iPhone 8: Leaked Photos indicate Presence of a Long-Awaited Feature

One of the most anticipated smartphones of the year is the iPhone 8, which will hit the market to revolutionize Apple’s line of handsets. Rumors indicate that the iPhone 8 will feature several very interesting features, including an “infinite screen” and two vertical rear cameras, plus a new look. Now, two new leaked photos reinforce the presence of what can … Read more